
Midterm Slides : 

🔶 CH 1 ..  Introduction Nuclei acid and inheritance

🔶 CH 2 : p1.Expression of Genes

                  p2.Chromosome Structure

🔶 CH 3 .. Molecular Genetics Techniques

Final Slides :

🔶 Extensions and Modifications

🔶 What is the best animals

🔶 2B-Animal Populations.., 5B Inherited..

🔶 4B-Genes in Populations

🔶 6B-Selection for Simply-Inherited Traits

🔶 7B The Genetic Model for Quantitative Traits

🔶 9B-Heritability and Repeatability

🔶 10B-Factors Affecting The Rate of Genetic Change

🔶 14B-Multiple-Trait Selection

🔶 16B-Random and Assortative Mating, 19B-Crossbreeding Systems

🔶 17B-Inbreeding and Out Breeding

Practice Questions for Animal Breeding