
⬣ Syllabus      ⬣  LAB NOTE BOOK      ⬣ Summaries

1- The Cell


2- Cell Surface Adaption 



4-Connective Tissue virtual slides

loose CT  (watch video)

Dense regular CT  (watch video)

Dense irregular CT-Skin  (watch video)

white adipose CT  (watch video)


5- Cartilage virtual slides 

- hyaline  (watch video)

- elastic  (watch video)

- fibrocartilage  (watch video)


6- Bone Virtual Slides

- compact bone 

- ground bone 

- ground bone 2

Cancellous Bone

Cancellous Bone with Osteoclast


7- Muscles Virtual Slides

Smooth muscle in cross and longitudinal section

Small interstice- Smooth muscle ↔ (watch video)

Tongue skeletal Muscle (watch video)

Motor endplate ↔ (watch video)

Cardiac Muscle ↔ (watch video)

Cardiac muscle with intercalated discs

Skeletal Muscle


8- Nervous system Virtual Slides

- spinal cord ↔ (watch video)

- cerebellum ↔ (watch video)

- spinal cord Nissl's substance ↔ (watch video)

- nerve 1 ↔ (watch video)

- nerve 2 ↔ (watch video)


9- Cardiovascular Virtual Slides

Elastic Artery ↔ (watch video)

- Elastic Artery 2 

Muscular Artery & Medium Vein 

Venous Valve

-   Arteriole, Venule and Capillaries ↔ (watch video) + (watch video)

- Heart 1 ↔ (watch video)

- Heart 2 

- Heart 3