


✻ Cattle ✻

🔶 L1. Introduction to animal husbandry and welfare

🔶 L2. Animal behavior

🔶 L3. Animal Assessment-Health Indices (2)

🔶 L4. Animal Identification

🔶 L5. Cattle husbandry and manegement

🔶 L6. Dairy and Beef Cattle

🔶 L7. Dairy Cattle Management

🔶 L8. Dairy Cattle Management (cattle Age Estimation)

🔶 L9. Animal transportation

✻ Equine ✻

🔶 Equine managemant and husbandry part1

🔶  Equine managemant and husbandry part2

🔶  equine Physical and chemical restraint 

🔶  Horse breeds

🔶  summary of Age of Horses by Their Teeth

🔶  Detailed determining Age of Horses by Their Teeth

✻ Sheep , goat and camels ✻ 

🔶 Ovine (sheep)

🔶  Caprine (Goats)

🔶  Camels

✻ Pet animal ✻ 

🔶 Canine and feline introduction 

🔶 Cat Breeds

🔶 Dog Breeds

✻ Animal welfare ✻ 

🔶 Module 1 Animal welfare introduction

🔶 Module 2 Welfare assessment and the Five Freedoms